Google Web Designer Fundamentals Exam Answers

Google Web Designer Fundamentals Exam Study Guide

In this course, you’ll learn key concepts of Google Web Designer, a free, professional grade authoring tool used for creating HTML5 content.

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1.) Google Web Designer’s Code view lets you create __________ files, and uses syntax highlighting and code autocompletion that makes your code easier to write with fewer errors.

2.) Google Web Designer requires an internet connection.

3.) Google Web Designer has _______________ timeline modes.

4.) File name conflicts are automatically resolved by the asset library manager.

5.) Google Web Designer uses open source components and licenses.

6.) Graphics created with the pen and shape tools can be easily animated using timeline animation.

7.) Changing transitions between scenes is equal to changing transitions between keyframes.

8.) Keyframes are ___________ added at the playhead position when element properties are changed.

9.) To delete a keyframe, hit the delete key.

10.) Looping your preview playback is different from looping a layer.

11.) Interstitial ads appear over the website or app they’re displayed on.

12.) When building for mobile, it’s important to build for both landscape and portrait orientations.

13.) When adding video, you can drag and drop the video file from the Asset Library panel.

14.) To help minimize file size, you can select “minify” when publishing your creative.

15.) Autoplay video is supported for all mobile browsers.

16.) In an expanding creative, in order to change the dimensions of the expanded state, simply update the width and height properties in the properties panel.

17.) Each time you expand or collapse, the timeline along with any events are triggered automatically for that page.

18.) IDs have to be uniquely named so _1 is added to the end of already existing components, elements, and page names when cloned.

19.) The proper flow for configuring an event to go to another page is:

20.) What does the Page Ready to Present event signify?

21.) Where would you add your own javascript code in the events dialog flow to trigger when the user rotates to landscape orientation?

22.) To properly collapse an expanding creative make sure of the following?