Programmable Marketing Basics Assessment Answers

Programmable Marketing Assessment Answers
Programmable Marketing Exam Answers

Programmable Marketing Basics

Automated marketing will one day become the industry norm. This Learning path resets your marketing and advertising approach for success in this landscape. Take all the courses, pass the Assessment, and earn an Achievement to display on your profile.

Programmable marketing basics courses

  1. Automate your marketing impact
    Programmable marketing is on the rise and offers creative, scalable solutions for marketers. In this course, learn what makes it unique and see how a leading brand used it to make a huge, positive impact across the entire customer journey.
  2. Meet the programmatic participants
    Learn who does what and when with programmatic media buying
  3. Define your programmatic audience
    The digital world is becoming increasingly personalized and your customers demand messages that are relatable and relevant to them. This course explores how to identify your customers in a way that allows you to both scale and personalize your messaging.
  4. Uncover your customer’s intent
    People give thousands of signals into who they are and what they want every second of every day. This course explores how these signals illuminate intent and how you could use them to drive targeted and relevant messages to your customers.
  5. Find programmable marketing signals
    Being a successful programmable marketer means sending the right message to the right people at the right time. This course explores how to reach your audience at various stages along their path to purchase by using signals.
  6. Create engaging programmatic messages
    Programmatic creative needs to tell relevant stories in order to keep customers engaged. This course helps you decide what to say to your customers and when to say it. It explores data-driven and sequential messaging, as well as programmatic ad formats.
  7. See programmatic creative in action
    Jump-starting a programmable marketing strategy can be a daunting endeavor for any company. This course looks at ways leading brands have incorporated innovative programmatic creative into their campaigns and strategy.
  8. Select KPIs for programmatic
    Getting programmatic’s impact right can be challenging for many companies. This course shows why you should move beyond last-click attribution and how to get your measurement on track by choosing the right key performance indicators (KPIs).
  9. Solve programmatic measurement problems
    Measuring today’s consumer journey is tricky enough, but add the scale of programmatic marketing, it can be even more challenging. This course offers solutions to common measurement problems so that you can get the truest view of your marketing efforts.

1.) Imagine you’re prepping your team about an upcoming programmatic campaign and someone asks you how you’ll actually plan and buy ad space. What do you say?

2.) Which programmatic tool allows you to purchase individual impressions in auction-based environments?

3.) The other day you were searching for electronic music schools and visited some related sites. A few days later you were curious about how many calories were in the curry rice you had at lunch and searched “calories in curry rice”. You landed on a site with nutritional tips and noticed a display ad for an electronic music school. You decide to click on it. What signal was used to target you with this ad?

4.) Imagine you’re trying to convince your board that investing in programmatic technology would be a step forward for your company. What do you think would convince them?

5.) Jenni sells custom-printed t-shirts and knows that customers begin their journey online with research on their mobile devices and end up making most purchases using their desktop. But, on her recent programamtic campaign, mobile isn’t getting any credit. What would you recommend to solve this measurement problem?

6.) Ron markets football cleats for a sporting goods company and ran a dynamic campaign in the hope of increasing sales volumes. Conversions in the “See” stage were really low. Which explanation is the most plausible?

7.) You work for a perfume company and identified a customer portrait for young, working moms who are fans of organic, natural products. How would you target them during the “Think” stage of See, Think, Do, Care?

8.) You just received low results from an awareness campaign for a local non-profit you manage. You used a wide array of signals to make sure you provided relevant answers across the entire journey. What will you try next time?

9.) If you wanted to understand if the impressions you purchased were actually seen by customers, what measurement concept would you ask to know more about?

10.) What would be the best key performance indicator for a coffee company that just opened and is trying to attract a new clientele?

11.) You’re surfing some of your social media sites and the exact same electronic music school advertisement from earlier in the day appears. Earlier, you clicked on the ad, but this time you don’t. What could have been done to be more relevant in that micro-moment?

12.) What would be the best format and message for a women’s clothing retailer in the “Do” stage?

13.) Louise, who works for a computer company, is trying to understand why customers she targeted in the “Care” stage didn’t convert. She sent them a “For your first purchase of software, get a discount” display ad. Why didn’t this work?

14.) If you were asked to explain programmable marketing to your peers, what should you say?

15.) Ormond, who works for a national basketball franchise, wanted to reach more fans with new content. They identified new segments and aimed to deliver real-time, online, live game footage. Conversions were really low. Why didn’t this work?

16.) Your manager thinks the detail you’ve used in your customer portraits isn’t necessary. What should you do next?

17.) To capture the “Do” stage for a marketing campaign selling men’s razors, you invited users who watched your entire pre-roll ad to sign up for a newsletter on male grooming trends. The results were dismal. Why?

18.) Rodrigo’s campaign to increase automobile sales using an online car configurator didn’t convert as hoped. The configurator usage was high, but sales were low. What went wrong?