Google Partner Mastery – Measurement Smart Assessment Answers

Measurement – 2018 Smart Assessment Answers
Measurement Exam Answers
Measurement Certification Exam Answers
Google Measurement Certification Assessment Answers By Academy for Ads
Measurement Assessment Answers
Google Measurement Certification Exam Answers

Stay up to speed on the latest measurement products and trends from Google. Use data to make intelligent marketing decisions and gain insights about your audience.

Master Measurement knowledge

  1. Importance Of Measurement & Attribution
  2. Measurement Fundamentals: Conversions, Tagging, Products
  3. Google Marketing Platform: Solve for Measurement
  4. Importance of Brand Measurement

Measurement – 2018 Smart Assessment

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44.) Rules-based attribution takes only converting paths into account.

43.) Identify ALL of the platforms that offer attribution analysis.

42.) Identify ALL of the platforms that offer attribution analysis.

41.) Viewability guarantees that a client’s ad will be seen.

40.) What are the three different stages of customer interactions defined within a funnel in Analytics?

39.) What are the three different stages of customer interactions defined within a funnel in Google Analytics?

38.) What is a key value proposition of Unique Reach?

37.) A “Conversion” is specifically defined as a purchase influenced by an ad.

36.) What are the three key steps to enable accurate measurement of the user journey?

35.) Using Analytics 360, an advertiser can turn measurement into action by creating audience lists for future targeting.

34.) Using Google Analytics 360, an advertiser can turn measurement into action by creating audience lists for future targeting.

33.) What solution is best suited for large companies looking to invest in enterprise analytics solutions that give them guaranteed reporting uptimes and more recent, unlimited raw data?

32.) What solution is best suited for large companies looking to invest in enterprise analytics solutions that give them guaranteed reporting uptimes and more recent, unlimited raw data?

31.) What is the Google Marketing Platform advertiser ad server called?

30.) What is the DoubleCIick advertiser ad server called?

29.) Match each of the following terms to the corresponding goal

28.) Advertisers can import their campaign data from Campaign Manager into Analytics 360.

27.) Advertisers can import their campaign data from DCM into GA360.

26.) What’s the most effective way for an advertiser to get the most out of Analytics and Google Ads?

25.) What’s the most effective way for an advertiser to get the most out of Google Analytics and AdWords?

24.) YouTube is the second most viewable video destination globally.

23.) What can be done to make sure Active View metrics are available for a YouTube campaign?

22.) What can be done to make sure Active View metrics are available for a YouTube campaign?

21.) What is the industry-leading 3P solution that can be compared to Unique Reach?

20.) In a data-driven attribution model, how can an advertiser understand the impact of any given keyword in a conversion path?

19.) Attribution 360 can help advertisers see the impact of their TV campaigns.

18.) Differentiate between measurement and attribution.

17.) Three of the following feature statements are true about Tag Manager. Identify the feature that is false.

16.) Three of the following feature statements are true about Google Tag Manager. Identify the feature that is false.

15.) Why is it not advisable for an advertiser to have a tag set to conditional firing in Google Ads Conversion Tracking?

14.) Why is it not advisable for an advertiser to have a tag set to conditional firing in AdWords Conversion Tracking?

13.) Match the Analytics and Google Ads measurement terminology to the description.

12.) Match the Google Analytics and AdWords measurement terminology to the description.

11.) Select the Google products that collect data and measure actions in websites or apps. Select all that apply.

10.) Select the Google products that collect data and measure actions in websites or apps. Select all that apply.

9.) Analytics 360 is the free, entry-level analytics platforms.

8.) Google Analytics 360 is the free, entry-level analytics platforms.

7.) Which platform type can an advertiser use to track time spent on their site?

6.) Select the platform that allows advertisers to combine data feeds for reporting and visualization.

5.) Select the platform that allows advertisers to combine data feeds for reporting and visualization.

4.) Select the best Google tool for website A/B testing.

3.) Select the best Google tool for website A/B testing.

2.) Place in order the steps involved in building a data-driven attribution model for Search ads.

1.) Identify the definition of attribution.