Google Digital Sales Assessment Answers (Academy for Ads)

Google Digital Sales Certification Assessment Answers By Academy for Ads
Digital Sales Assessment Answers
Google Digital Sales Certification Exam Answers

This assessment covers basic and advanced concepts, including best practices for creating, managing, measuring, and optimizing mobile websites. Passing this assessment demonstrates a strong knowledge of mobile sites design, and an understanding of best practices and current browser technologies.

Study Digital Sales

  1. Welcome
  2. Prospecting
  3. Networking
  4. Preparing
  5. Making a great impression
  6. Delivering an elevator pitch
  7. Getting meetings started
  8. Positioning and repositioning
  9. Discovering with questions
  10. Gap analysis
  11. Identifying clients’ needs
  12. Summarizing what the client shared
  13. Communicating with benefits
  14. Delivering a customized solution
  15. Refining your pitch
  16. Creating an AdWords proposal
  17. Handling objections
  18. Closing and setting next steps
  19. Generating referrals
  20. Study Digital Sales

Digital Sales Assessment

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56.) A good guideline for asking your client questions to understand her marketing needs and how you might be able to help her is:

55.) Starting a client meeting with an agenda:

54.) Which client would you advise to advertise on the Google Search Network?

53.) A question that includes factual information based on market research, such as, “Four in five consumers want search ads to be customized to their city or immediate surroundings. How are you approaching your local online opportunity?” is a good example of:

52.) Anne-Marie’s business goal is to generate online sales of her handmade purses. Her AdWords costs are $100 per week and she wants to know if her advertising investment is paying off. What additional information do you need in order to calculate her return on investment (ROI)?

51.) Conversion Tracking helps you improve the return on investment (ROI) from your online advertising because it:

50.) A client that owns a fine-dining restaurant in London wants to get more phone calls from people researching places to eat on their mobile phones. How should you optimize this client’s campaign to help achieve their goal?

49.) You can use audience targeting to show your ads to:

48.) If you want to direct people to specific pages on your website from your ad, you can create an ad that uses:

47.) Which is a benefit of advertising online?

46.) When introducing yourself to a new client, it is important to share:

45.) “I can see how that would be frustrating” and “That is a valid concern. Many of my clients have expressed that same concern before starting their campaign” are both examples of speaking with a concerned client. These types of responses are:

44.) Nadia manages a local gym and is running an ad to drive more free trial memberships. What could she include in her ad text?

43.) You have a meeting with a new client. Why would it be a good idea to share anonymized data (such as conversion rate and cost-per-conversion) from some successful clients in the same industry as this client?

42.) All other things being equal, if you’ve set a maximum cost-per-click (max. CPC) bid of $1.00 for your ads, and if the next most competitive bid is $0.50 for the same ad position, what is the actual amount you’d pay for that click?

41.) What is the main purpose of summarizing the conversation with the client at the end of a meeting?

40.) Your client wants to show ads to people who’ve visited her website before. Which AdWords feature would you recommend she use?

39.) You recently read a great article about the importance of a quality mattress in preventing back problems and it reminds you of your client who owns several mattress stores. After reading the article, you:

38.) You can use Keyword Planner to identify:

37.) Which ad extension would you use for an advertiser who has a chain of restaurants?

36.) Which is a benefit of advertising online with Google AdWords?

35.) Google Analytics can help you learn more about the behavior of your client’s customers because it shows you how:

34.) If you’d like your ads to show on certain sites across the Internet, you can add these websites as:

33.) Which client would you advise to use radius targeting?

32.) In order to appeal to customers on mobile devices, it’s important to:

31.) Which of the following items is not a component of Quality Score?

30.) Your ad can show on the Google Search Network when someone searches for terms that are similar to your:

29.) An advertiser wants to achieve the top position in paid search results. Which recommendations would improve the likelihood of top ad position?

28.) Your client wants to improve his ad positioning. You recommend that one way he can do this is by increasing his bid amount. Why is it a good idea to also explain to your client how this will benefit him?

27.) When covering the agenda at the beginning of a meeting, stating the purpose should be:

26.) Why is it important to understand the expectations a client has of you?

25.) A positioning statement is a quick 90 second explanation of what type of clients you work with, what challenges they face, and how they can benefit from working with you. When is it appropriate to use a positioning statement?

24.) You want to generate leads with your AdWords campaign by encouraging people to fill out an interest form on your website. What do you need to know to measure return on investment (ROI) for this campaign?

23.) Your client wants to improve her ad position. What would you recommend?

22.) A standard AdWords text ad is made up of:

21.) Your client wants to increase the number of people visiting his website. When analyzing the data for his Search campaign, which metric do you most want to improve?

20.) You are about to conclude your meeting with a new client who would like to start an online marketing campaign. Before concluding the meeting, what best practice should you use?

19.) Your client mentions he has some concerns about implementing a Google Search campaign. Which is a good example of clarifying the client’s concerns?

18.) You would choose to advertise on the Google Display Network if you wanted to:

17.) Negative keywords can help advertisers refine the targeting of their ads by:

16.) You are nearing the end of a successful meeting with a client, when she tells you, “this all sounds really great, but I do not have the budget for Google Search right now.” What should you do next?

15.) Before asking your client questions about her business, it is best to tell her the reasons for the questions and the benefit because:

14.) Asking the client, “Is there anything else you want to be sure we discuss during our meeting?” is:

13.) Which is a good example of a question to better understand the client’s primary motivating factor for using AdWords?

12.) Asking a client questions about his desired business objectives is:

11.) Which of these metrics is especially important to clients who are running a branding campaign?

10.) Which is a benefit of doing pre-call planning before pitching online advertising solutions to a client?

9.) During a sales meeting, you use the Google Trends tool to show insights and link back to what the client said about hiring someone to create online campaigns for her toy store website. What is the purpose of doing this?

8.) Before the start of a meeting, thinking about the meeting’s desired outcome will:

7.) You would choose to advertise on the Google Search Network if you wanted to:

6.) Your client is interested in switching from TV, print, and radio advertising. What are the return on investment (ROI) benefits of online advertising campaigns?

5.) Advertising on TV, print, and radio typically requires a predetermined budget. What key differences enable some online advertising campaigns to invest with more flexibility without a predetermined budget in mind?

4.) Which statistic indicates how often a click has led to a conversion?

3.) You would advise a client that’s launching a new product line to advertise on the Google Display Network because she can:

2.) You can use Display Planner to:

1.) Before you meet with your new client, your online research showed that she played golf for a local college you also attended. Bringing this up in when you meet would: