DoubleClick Dynamic Creative for Media Agencies Exam Answers

DoubleClick Dynamic Creative (DDC) for Media Agencies Exam

This exam covers the basics of DoubleClick Dynamic Creative for media agencies, including the basic capabilities of dynamic creative feeds, how to plan, set up, and launch dynamic campaigns, and how to choose and implement a dynamic creative strategy.

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1.) True or False: There is a specific reporting template available for Dynamic creatives within DoubleClick Reporting, which will show you the clicks, CTR, impressions per dynamic row

2.) True or False: Audience lists are built from Floodlight activity and live in DCM. Each audience list is targeted to an Ad ID, which is entered into the dynamic feed and correlates each Dynamic creative iteration to a specific DCM audience list.

3.) Which of the following formats is NOT supported for Dynamic Creative?

4.) If an Advanced Dynamic creative MPU has 10 iterations (feed rows), how many creatives will appear in DCM after QA approval?

5.) If your marketing campaign’s goal is focused on building brand awareness to upper-funnel audiences, which Dynamic creative targeting strategy would you use?

6.) True or False: As the columns of a dynamic feed establish the creative dynamic code (AS2, AS3, Html5), these columns should not be renamed or changed after the code is pulled and added to the creative assets. Otherwise, it could break the creative from functioning correctly.

7.) You want to geo-target the creative’s headline and exit URL by the viewer’s location, and also be able to optimize the CTA and background color across the entire campaign. Can you do this using Dynamic creative?

8.) Which types of columns can you select as additional reporting dimensions from Step 6 of the Dynamic Profile?

9.) In a Dynamic creative campaign where audience segments are managed via a DSP (i.e. DoubleClick Bid Manager), and linked to specific DoubleClick Campaign Manager placements, which column should you add to your Dynamic Creative feed to ensure your ad-serving strategy is met?

10.) True or False: There is a specific reporting template available for Dynamic creatives within DoubleClick Reporting, which will show you the clicks, CTR, impressions per dynamic row

11.) True or False: As the columns of a dynamic feed establish the creative dynamic code (AS2, AS3, Html5), these columns should note be renamed or changed after the code is pulled and added to the creative assets. Otherwise, it could break the creative from functioning correctly.

12.) From an Advanced Dynamic creative feed, there are two necessary rows, the ID and Reporting Label. Choose TWO answers which describe their functions best.

13.) If your Dynamic creative needs frequency capping to control how many times a viewer may see an iteration of your ad, where can you set this up?

14.) If a colleague or client does not have Studio access, what are THREE ways you can provide previews of Dynamic creatives?

15.) True or False: The rows in the feed represent the elements in the ad that are swapped out each time the ad is served (e.g. headline, CTA). The columns in the feed represent the creative content that will populate each iteration of the ad. To add new iterations, simply add new columns to the dynamic spreadsheet.

16.) You’re launching a Dynamic campaign across five countries (UK, FR, ES, IT, DE), and have three creative dimensions (Leaderboard, MPU, Skyscraper). What would be the minimum number of DoubleClick Campaign Manager tags you need to traffic and deliver to publishers?

17.) If your Dynamic creative needs sequential narrative rotation (where each impression seen by a viewer will bring on the next narrative row from the feed), how would you set this up?

18.) If you wanted to retain and upsell to existing customers or drive sales more proactively when viewers are at the closest point of purchase (lower funnel), what are some ways to do this using Dynamic creative along with DCM/DBM?

19.) What type of document does Dynamic creative support for use as a feed?

20.) Drag and Drop: What is the order of operational steps in the Dynamic Creative workflow when creating a new campaign?

21.) Which 2 types of rotation options can be implemented by adding different DCM creative IDs into the dynamic feed?

22.) IF your dynamic feed is filtering its rows on scheduled rules, what row should you include to ensure a rich media fall back?

23.) How can you see rich media standard event counters (e.g. interaction rates, mouseover time, video play length) for a Dynamic creative when pulling a report?

24.) What level of Geo-targeting is supported for targeting creative content based on the user’s location?

25.) Targeting involves serving relevant content to viewers based on predefined strategies. DoubleClick Rich Media Dynamic creative enables you to use many strategies, including:

26.) DoubleClick Rich Media Dynamic Creative enables you to develop one creative shell with placeholders for each of the desired dynamic elements, boosting ad trafficking efficiency and minimizing the development work. Which element can be made dynamic based on your feed logic?

27.) Dynamic reports in DDM enable you to measure KPIs like impressions, clicks, and CTR. What are the two required columns you need to have in your feed to track performance by each row of content?