Do more with DoubleClick ad tags Assessment Answers

Do more with DoubleClick ad tags Assessment Answers
Do more with DoubleClick ad tags Exam Answers

Learn the ins and outs of using ad tags with DoubleClick Bid Manager and Campaign Manager.

Do more with DoubleClick ad tags

  1. Serve programmatic ads across platforms
  2. Modify ad tags to work with partners
  3. Keep tabs on your ads with verification
  4. Deliver and verify video ads
  5. Make sure your ad tags work

1.) When adding a wrapped tag to Bid Manager you get an alert: “There were errors validating the tag”.

How can you identify the right creative from a sheet of wrapped ad tags?

2.) How can you check that your ad’s wrapped tag was added to the correct creative in Bid Manager?

3.) What’s the benefit of having a cachebuster macro in your ad tag?

4.) What happens when you add a third-party ad tag to a Bid Manager advertiser that is linked with Campaign Manager?

5.) Bean Coffee is geo-targeting Seattle for an in-store promotion.

Which tool in Campaign Manager can they use to check that their ads are only serving in that area?

6.) Where can you find the Bid Manager partner ID to link an advertiser with Campaign Manager?

7.) Your advertiser uses a data management platform (DMP) that hasn’t been certified on DoubleClick Ad Exchange, and requires appending pixels to ads in Campaign Manager.

What’s one way to continue to serve ads on Ad Exchange as well?

8.) Your rich media ad isn’t clicking through to the right landing page on mobile devices.

What might you discover while troubleshooting?

9.) If your ad is delivered by a third-party ad server, what’s one way to capture click and conversion data in DoubleClick reporting?

10.) When troubleshooting issues with a Bid Manager creative, which unique ID should you provide to your Campaign Manager ad ops team?

11.) Which video ad format allows for additional rich media features, while reducing the available inventory?

12.) How can you use a verification vendor for your in-stream video ads without adding the VPAID wrapper?

13.) What technology allows advertisers who use DoubleClick to automatically track the viewability of their ads?

14.) What steps are required to enable DoubleClick Verification (and Active View measurement) for your in-stream video ads in Campaign Manager?

15.) What’s one way to make your in-stream video ads skippable and reach VAST inventory across exchanges?